Student Handbook
Below you will find the topic sections from the Maywood Hills student handbook. If you are interested in the Rights and Responsibilities handbook for the Northshore School District you may use the following link. NSD Rights & Responsibilities
A version of the Maywood Hills Student Handbook (2024-25) is available for printing or downloading for your convenience.
Maywood Hills Student Handbook
- Principal Letter
- Staff List (Revised 9/23/24)
- Office / School Information
- Arrival / Dismissal Procedures
- Attendance
- Behavior Expectations
- Classroom Celebrations
- Digital Citizenship
- Electronic Devices / Cell Phones / Smart Watches
- Extra Curricular Activities
- Health Room Information
- Items from Home
- Lost and Found
- Meal Plan
- Pets
- Plagiarism
- Playground
- Restrooms
- Specialist
- Student Dress Code
- Volunteering
Principal Letter
Principal Letter
September 2024
Dear Maywood Families,
Welcome to Maywood. We are looking forward to working with your family this year. We hope you will find this booklet helpful in outlining some of the practices and procedures at our school. Please go over the information enclosed with your child and keep it handy as a convenient resource. We hope it will be just the beginning of rich and meaningful communication between your family and ours.
As a parent of a tenth grader and a freshman in college, I know first-hand the importance of quality schools. My dreams and aspirations for my children - both for their tangible success and for a less definable future “happiness” - will be directly impacted by the habits of mind and body attributable in large part to their education.
The staff at Maywood Hills knows this as well, and is committed to ensuring that every child is provided the opportunity and encouragement to work to their potential. The combination of a talented staff, motivated students, and caring involved parents helps make Maywood Hills an exceptional school.
Throughout the year you and the staff will have opportunities to discuss the academic and social growth of your children and work as a team to help them reach their full potential. We are eager to share in a partnership with you for their benefit. Your child's success and well being at school are our most important priorities.
I encourage each of you to be an active part of the Maywood Hills PTA. This amazing organization has accomplished many wonderful things to enhance the quality of our students’ education. Becoming a member of the PTA is a great way to get to know your children’s friends and their parents.
If you have any questions or concerns during the school year, please feel free to call or stop by.
Sonja Hoeft
Staff List (Revised 9/23/24)
Maywood Hills Staff List
Sonja Hoeft, Principal
Megan Ham, Dean of Students
Patty Ponce, Office Manager
Rana Mahmud, Office Secretary
Barbara Miller, Nurse
Tatiana Barros Dos Santos
Ashley Kuhlmann
Nina O'Leary
Amy Hall - Long Term Sub
Maria Ali - Support teacher
First Grade
Sarah Adkinson
Maxine Miceli
Karly Sader
Second Grade
Emily Burnett
Sarah Meyer
Kirsten Nelson
Second / Third Grade Split
Jessica Murphy
Third Grade
Christina Charlesworth
Tina Rice
Lisa Vorwerk
Fourth Grade
Heather Erickson
Jo Sanchez
Susan Sires
Fifth Grade
Kirstin Briefs
Jennifer Deskin
Eric Sylvester
Renee Huizenga - Librarian
Shelly Dunn - PE
Justin Sheaffer - PE
Katie Hunter - PE
Elise Harris - Music
Laura White - Music
Collin Sarchin - Music
Other Staff as Listed
Stephanie Church - Pri Blended
April Cunningham - Para-Educator
Ron Jones - Para-Educator
Michelle Speed - Para-Educator
Ryanne Spielman - Para-Educator
Emily Carranza - Int Blended
Emily Schultz - Para-Educator
Ginger Warren - Para-Educator
Kendra Selby. - SpEd LC
Natali Evans. - SpEd LC
Maile Minton. - Para-Educator
Meagan O'Brien - Para-Educator
Salina Greig-Hill - LAP
Rose LIao - ELD
Michelle Mallory - ELD Para-Educator
Michelle Breda - LAP Para-Educator
Venesa Arnaiz Martinez-Malo - ELD Para-Educator
Stephanie Adam - SLP
Rachael Silva-Sohail - SLP
Molly Baughman - OT/PT
Bridget Sachse - OT/PT
Jimmy Nam - School Counselor
Emily Hunter - Psychologist
Annelise Sullivan - Mental Health Spec.
Tammy Cox - School Asst.
Jeremy Lainer - School Asst.
Darcy Schwarz - School Asst.
Larry Pierce. - School Technology Specialist
Nong Ratanapintha - Kitchen Manager
Chie Kitamura. - Asst. Cook
Daniel Spagnole. - Head Custodian
Tai Quoc Vuong. - Mid Custodian
My Luu - Night Custodian
Office / School Information
Office/School Information
Maywood Hills Elementary
19519 104th Ave NE Bothell, WA 98011
Attendance Line 425-408-5010
Health Room 425-408-5006
Office Hours: 8:00-4:00
School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9:05-3:35
Early Release Wednesdays 9:05-2:05
Students are not to arrive on campus before 8:45 am. Before this time there is no supervision and must be with an adult. Students must be picked up by 3:35 each day. There is no supervision after this time.
Office Hours and Contact Information
The Maywood Hills Main Office will be open M-F from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm each day. You may leave a message for any staff member at any time at 425-408-5000. We will return your call as soon as possible or direct your message to the correct staff member.
Messages for Students
Please do not call your individual classroom to inform of any change in pick-up or transportation. Instead, a signed and dated note should be sent to the teacher or office as early as possible if:
- There is a change in after-school routine changes (these plans should be made at home prior to arrival on campus.)
- The child will be picked up early for any reason.
If something changes during the day please call the front office. Students will not be able to call home to make alternate plans. Deadline for calling the office for an after-school change of plans is 3:15 pm.
Phone calls for students and staff phone calls into the classroom can be disruptive to instruction. With the exception of emergencies, we will not disrupt a classroom for phone conversations. Parents and guardians will be transferred to voicemail or asked to leave a message for the intended recipient. Information that students do not need until the end of the day will be delivered to classrooms before students leave at 3:35 pm.
Arrival / Dismissal Procedures
School Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
- Students are expected to arrive between 8:45 and 9:05 am and should go directly to their morning line up spot or classroom.
- Any student arriving prior to 8:45 must be participating in a before-school program. There is no adult supervision before 8:45.
- Students should use designated sidewalks and walkways on school grounds. Students should not walk between busses/cars or through the parking lot.
For safety reasons, scooters, skateboards, roller blades, roller skates and shoes with wheels are not allowed on campus. Bicycles are allowed only when the student comes with a parent and a plan has been approved by an administrator.
Bus Riders:
- A teacher will escort bus riders to their designated bus line outside.
- Students are expected to comply with school rules as well as rules set by their bus driver.
- A parent or approved adult must be at the bus stop to pick up a kindergarten student.
Parent Drop Off/Pick Up Zone for Maywood Hills:
We appreciate your patience and willingness to follow the guidelines listed below. Together, we can keep traffic in the parking lot flowing smoothly, while ensuring the safety of the students and their families.
- Please adhere to the 5-mph speed limit.
- Students may arrive between 8:45 and 9:05 am. (Please note that there is no adult supervision before 8:45 am.)
- In the drop off/pick up zone, please pull forward as far as possible to make room for other cars.
- Please have students ready to exit the car on the curbside as quickly as possible.
- If you need to unbuckle or put a backpack on, pull forward to a parking spot. Car Drop off is designed to be quick.
- Double parking is not allowed. School buses need enough room to exit the lot safely.
- Drivers should remain in their cars.
- The roundabout, in front of the office, is for buses only between 8:30 and 9:15 am.
- Parents should only drop off by car in our upper lot. The back gate is not for car drop off.
Maps of Arrival and Departure areas:
Please look at these maps and additional details of our arrival and departure policies.
- Please let the office know if your child will be absent from school. Please call the school attendance line at (425) 408-5010 or email
- Any student arriving later than 9:05 am will need to check in at the main office and receive a tardy slip before going to their classroom.
- Frequent absences/tardies will result in a letter home and may include an action plan to ensure consistent attendance.
The importance of prompt and regular school attendance by students is emphasized at Maywood Hills Elementary School. Regular attendance is necessary if students are to profit fully from learning experiences offered in school. Students miss significant instruction when they are absent from school, therefore, any absence affects student learning. Frequent absences and tardies will be addressed by the principal or designee. The school may take a variety of actions to help improve a student’s attendance and timeliness, including the conversion of 3 unexcused or unacceptable tardies to an unexcused absence.
If there are extenuating circumstances causing increased tardiness and/or absences, please notify the office. If your child will be absent or late, please call the attendance line at 425-408- 5010 or email We value your child’s safety and would like to know where he/she is if not in school. The school requires a written note or phone message from the parent explaining the absence or late arrival. No notification within 48 hours of absence will prompt the notation of an unexcused absence on the child’s record. Please see Unexcused Absences below for more information.
Children arriving late to school are listed as tardy on the permanent record. The following are considered unexcused tardies: missed bus, late ride, overslept, babysitting, meals, appointment for person other than the student, errands, taking a sibling to school, etc. Excessive tardies are disruptive to a child’s education, fellow students and the teacher who begins teaching right at 9:05 am. Students who arrive in their classrooms after the 9:05 am bell rings will be considered tardy and must check into the office before going to the classroom. A Tardy Slip will be issued. Students arriving after 9:05 am because a bus arrived late will not be marked tardy, but must check into the office to verify attendance before going to class.
Excused Absences
Excused absences or late arrivals considered appropriate by the school district include student illness, family emergencies, special religious observances, medical/dental appointments, and school-sponsored activities. We urge you to make certain these are the only reasons for your child missing school. Absences or tardies not covered in the above stated instances may be deemed appropriate at the discretion of the principal. If a student has chronic excused absences parents may be asked to come in for a meeting to discuss attendance.
Unexcused Absences
The following are considered unexcused absences: no call or written response from the parent within 48 hours of absence, missed bus, late ride, overslept, babysitting, meals, appointment for person other than the student, errands, taking a sibling to school, etc. Field trips are an extension of the classroom. When a family decides that a student is unable to attend a field trip, the student is expected to be in school. If a student has either seven unexcused absences in any month or ten unexcused absences during the school year, the school must file a truancy petition with the King County Court. (Please see the Northshore School District website,, for the full text of the NSD Board Policy on Excused and Unexcused Absences Policy No. 3122).
Extended Absences from School
Families who take extended vacations (5 days or more) must inform the office and teachers ahead of time in writing. Please ask the front office for a “Notification of Extended Absence” form to fill out.
Please note that if your child is going to miss more than 20 consecutive days of school, it is Washington State policy that we must withdraw your child and then re-enroll them upon returning. When they return, students are not guaranteed the same class placement. We strongly discourage extended absences from school. There is no replacement for school attendance, and with the depth and variety of components included within the NSD curriculum, it is not possible for teachers to provide work to cover the missed instruction and group learning.
Behavior Expectations
Behavior Expectations
Maywood Hills is committed to maintaining a safe and positive learning community.
Students are expected to display the following:
- Treat other students, parents, staff and all others on campus the way you want to be treated.
- Know the rules and do the right thing, even when no one is watching.
Ready to Learn
- Be present, be on time, be prepared and never stop trying.
- Follow the rules at all times and in all areas on campus. Listen to adult directions and behave in a safe manner.
- Show respect, protect one another, and be the kind of friend you want to have.
Our Maywood Hills community uses a tiered approach when addressing student conduct that teaches positive behavior and allows students to learn from their mistakes.
Minor concerns are handled on the spot (in the classroom, on the playground, or other areas of the school). Staff will assist students in understanding the expected behavior and reinforce student’s abilities to make responsible choices through positive reinforcement.
Staff will clearly define the expected behavior and provide opportunities for students to learn from their mistakes with appropriate consequences for their behavior. When repeated minor concerns or more major offenses occur that cannot be handled by the classroom discipline plan then Maywood Admin support or an Office Behavior Referral may be needed.
If repeated major offenses, severe disrespect or dangerous or illegal behavior happened then Maywood Hills Administration will always intervene. Consequences may include in-school or out-of-school suspension and/or other methods that address the seriousness of the offense. Parents will always be notified at this level.
Classroom Celebrations
Classroom Celebrations
Classroom celebrations are a fun and exciting part of the school year. During Curriculum Night, teachers will share their plan for classroom celebrations.
Please abstain from sending balloon bouquets, birthday invitations or birthday treats to school. Chat with your child’s teacher about non-food ways to celebrate a birthday.
The school directory is a great place to gather contact information for any students your child is looking to invite to a party. Please contact the PTA for this directory.
Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship
At Maywood Hills we build educated students in an age where electronics are all around them and they are digital natives. Our Digital Citizenship curriculum is taught by our school librarian and is reinforced by all classroom teachers. There are eight main areas that the curriculum includes:
- Internet Safety
- Relationships & Communication
- Digital Footprint & Reputation
- Information Literacy
- Privacy & Security
- Cyber Bullying & Digital Drama
- Self-Image & Identity
- Creative Credit & Copyright
The Rights & Responsibilities Handbook Concerning Student Conduct prohibits the misuse or inappropriate use of technology (including Websites and e-mail) that interferes with or disrupts the educational process. The inappropriate use of electronic communication, whether initiated at school or not, that violates district policies against harassment, discrimination, intimidation and bullying is not permitted. It is a violation of student codes of conduct to invade the privacy of or to misrepresent someone through electronic communications. The Northshore School District takes these violations seriously and those who are found to have committed such violations will face harsh disciplinary actions.
The Responsible Use Procedure applies to staff, students and guests who utilize: district- owned technology on the NSD network, on non-school networks and offline; non-district technology, including privately owned technology that is connected to the NSD network or non-district networks while on school property. Please also see Responsible Use Procedure 2022P on the NSD website.(
Electronic Devices / Cell Phones / Smart Watches
Electronic Devices/Cell Phones/Smart Watches
Electronic devices are not permitted in the classroom except when approved by the classroom teacher.
We do recognize that families may have a need for their child to have a cell phone/smart watch. If a student brings a cell phone to school, it should be turned off/silent and kept in their backpack during the school day. If a student needs to make a call during the day, they should talk to their teacher about the best way to do this. If a parent needs to contact a student, they should do so through the office, not the student’s cell phone or smart watch during the school day. If the watch is just used as a watch, it may be used, but there should not be texting, or calls made or received during the school day.
Students using cell phones or cameras in an inappropriate way may be cited for harassment/bullying/cheating. This includes photographing or recording someone without their permission.
Watches need to be used as a watch. If they are played with or used for texting/calls the staff member will ask for the watch to be placed in the student's backpack, similar to our policy for a cell phone.
If these rules are not followed, the device may be confiscated and disciplinary action taken.
Extra Curricular Activities
Extra Curricular Activities
At Maywood Hills we offer a variety of extra curricular activities for all grade levels. Some occur during the school day while a number are before and after school. Please look for fliers coming home for specific activities. Some of the offered activities include but are not limited to:
- Cross Country
- Track and Field
- Chess Club
- Choir
- Garden Club
- Marimba
- Math Club
- Coding Classes
- Boeing STEM
- And More!
Health Room Information
Health Room Information
We have a registered nurse at school every day between the hours of 8:35-3:35 pm.
She can be reached by telephone at (425) 408-5006
Our Registered Nurse serves our building, Maywood Hills Elementary School. His/her duties are diverse, from administering first aid and necessary medication to monitoring the general health and well-being of our students. Our health room is used for emergency care and for ill students awaiting pick-up. Space and personnel are not available to accommodate extended care or supervision. We require that a parent/guardian or an emergency contact pick up their sick student within the hour that they are contacted.
For your student’s safety it is very important to keep your home, cell, work, and emergency contact telephone numbers current. If you change jobs or cell phone numbers, please give us your new number immediately. This will assist us in getting in touch with you in the event of an emergency.
If a student feels ill during the school day they are expected to consult with the nurse. The nurse then will determine if parent contact is necessary. Ill students should not contact their parent/guardian via text/call without consulting the nurse.
Please keep the nurse informed of any health concerns or changes in your child's health, including new or resolved medical or mental health diagnosis, medication changes and immunization updates.
When Should I Keep my Child Home from School?
· A temperature, taken orally, that is 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, is considered a fever. Children should be fever-free, without fever reducing medication, for at least 24 hours before sending them to school.
· Anytime a child vomits or has diarrhea, he/she needs to be isolated from other children for 24 hours. If your child vomits or has diarrhea in the night, keep him/her home from school the following day.
· Any rash of unknown cause should be considered contagious. Please have your child examined by a healthcare provider to determine the cause and communicability of the rash before sending him/her to school. The child may not return to school unless there is a letter from the medical professional stating that the rash is not communicable in nature, or unless the rash is no longer present.
· 24 hours after administration of the first dose of an antibiotic or as directed by the health care provider.
Note: these guidelines are general reminders of when to keep a student home. In times of pandemic disease response in the community at large (such as COVID 19), additional recommendations may be requested by the district and/or local/state health authorities for keeping an ill student home or for a student’s return to school after being absent for a specific illness.
Accidents: If a child is injured at school, they will be given emergency first-aid treatment by the nurse, principal, school secretary, or a first aid-trained health room assistant. The parents will be called immediately in the event of a serious injury. If you are not at home or work, the person listed as the "First Emergency" contact will be called. If no one is available to come for the child, we will use our best judgment on whether to keep the child in the nurse's office or call 911 for medical assistance.
Injuries at School: Parent Financial Responsibility
The health and safety of our students is one of the district’s foremost concerns. Even so, accidents may and do happen and the resulting medical bills (ambulance transport, surgery, etc.) can be very expensive. However, many families are unaware that the district does not carry insurance for student personal injury costs and cannot assume responsibility for them. Parent/Guardian Responsibility: Parents or guardians are financially responsible for any medical bills if their child gets hurt during school or a school activity. This includes students participating in athletics, recess and after school activities. If your student participates in a sport, please make certain your family insurance plan covers athletic participation.
Information about optional student accident/illness insurance can be found at:
Children with Life Threatening Conditions:
In order to provide a safe learning environment, the state of Washington passed a law that requires students with life threatening conditions to have medical orders and a nursing care plan in place BEFORE the first day of school attendance. (Chapter 101, Laws of 2002, amending Chapter 28A.210 RCW).
The law defines life-threatening conditions as “a health condition that will put the child in danger of death during the school day if a medication or treatment order and a nursing plan are not in place.” Children with life-threatening conditions such as diabetes, severe bee sting or food allergies, severe asthma, severe seizures, etc., are required to have a medication or treatment order in place before they start school.
“Medication or treatment order” means the authority a registered nurse obtains under RCW 18.79.260(2). This is covered when the child’s licensed health care provider completes the Authorization for Medication form or treatment order for medical services to be performed at the school. If a medication or treatment order is not provided, the principal of the school is required to exclude the child until such an order is provided. This requirement applies to students with life-threatening conditions who are new to the district, and students who are already attending the school.
If your child has a life-threatening health condition requiring medical services at school, or if you have questions about a medical condition, please notify the school nurse right away. Students with a life-threatening condition qualify for a 504 Accommodation/Emergency Care Plan. Please set up a meeting with the school nurse in order to have all necessary forms and medications in place prior to starting school.
Health Screening
Health screening for hearing and vision is done each fall in grades K-3, 5th and 7th. Other students may be screened for hearing or vision upon referral by the teacher or parent. The vision screening does not identify all vision problems and is not intended as a substitute for periodic eye examinations by a healthcare provider. A referral letter will be sent home when a student’s hearing and/or vision screening results do not meet the expectations for their age.
Immunization for the protection of your child, the Washington State immunization law states that every child attending public or private school must show proof of compliance with the law before the student’s first day of attendance. Northshore School District requires healthcare provider verification of student immunizations. Any student not meeting this requirement will be excluded from school attendance. Bothell Health Point (425-486-0658) accepts medical coupons and has a sliding fee scale. If you need assistance in acquiring these immunizations, please contact the school nurse.
Medications at School:
If your student will be taking ANY medication at school, you must confer with the school nurse. The Northshore School District recommends that medication be taken at home whenever possible. We recognize, however, that in some cases it is essential that medication be administered during the school day. For the protection of all the students and to comply with Washington state law, the district has a policy and procedures in place for the handling of ALL medications in the schools.
Please do not put any kind of medicine, including aspirin, vitamins, and cough drops in your child's lunch box, backpack or pockets. Unidentified medicine can never be given at school. Students who require use of a narcotic for pain control should be kept home.
School Staff Administered Medication:
The following conditions must be met:
· All medications, whether over-the-counter (except sunscreen) or prescription, need a current Northshore Medication Authorization Form signed by the student's healthcare provider/dentist and parent/guardian.
· Medication must be delivered to school in a properly labeled prescription or original over-the- counter container. The student's name must be on the label with proper identification of the drug, dosage, and directions for administration.
· A quantity sufficient for one month only can be sent to school.
· The medication order is effective for the current school year only.
· If changes in the medication order occur, the parent is responsible for notifying the school and providing verification from the healthcare provider/dentist.
Student Self-Administered Medication
The following conditions must be met: In appropriate cases and with the knowledge of the school nurse, the parent/guardian can delegate the responsibility for self-administration of medication to the student. In doing so, the parent releases the school district from any obligation to monitor the student and assumes full responsibility for the student's use of the medication:
· Self-Administration does not apply to controlled substances, e.g. Codeine, Vicodin
· The student may only carry a one-day supply (1 - 2 doses) of the medication.
· The medication must be in the original container.
· The student must have written permission to self-medicate signed by the parent/guardian.
Medication to be self-administered for more than fifteen (15) consecutive days whether over-the- counter or prescription requires a current Northshore Medication Authorization Form signed by the student's healthcare provider/dentist and parent/guardian stating that the student may self- medicate. The student must also demonstrate his/her ability to the School Nurse to correctly evaluate his/her symptoms and use the medication appropriately.
Medication while on Field Trips
For students on daily medication, request an extra labeled container from your pharmacy to use for field trips. Advanced planning with the school nurse is needed for students who need access to emergency medications or other medications during field trips, after school sports, clubs and activities where students may not have access to school stored medications in the health room after school hours.
Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medications
When a parent requests that his/her student be allowed to self-administer medication for asthma and/or anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), an Authorization for Medication must be filled out and signed by the health care provider and parent/guardian. The permission form must contain a treatment plan for what to do in case of an emergency.
The health care provider must also provide training for the student to recognize symptoms and the correct use of medications. Additionally, the student must demonstrate his/her ability to correctly evaluate his/her symptoms and use of medications to the school nurse including how to access help when needed. (RCW 28A.210.370 and School District Policy 3419)
If you wish your student to self-administer medication at school or have any other questions related to the information noted here, please contact the school nurse at 425-408-5006.
Items from Home
Items from Home
Items brought from home, including toys and potential valuables, can create a substantial disruption to the learning environment. The school cannot take responsibility for these items. Items from home are not allowed at school and should be left at home to avoid loss, damage or theft. Arrangements must be made with your child’s teacher prior to bringing any special items to school based on specific, scheduled classroom events. Any item brought to school without the teacher’s permission will be taken from the student and held by the classroom teacher or in the school office for parent pick up.
Students may not buy, sell or trade items on school grounds and the school is not responsible for lost or damaged items. This includes but is not limited to; PokeĢmon cards, fidget spinners, and other trading cards. These items should be kept at home in a safe location. If a decision is made between the parent, student and teacher that a specific tool should be used in the classroom an agreement/contract will be signed for approved use. Please see ‘Lost and Found’ for additional information regarding lost items.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
At Maywood Hills, best policy is that if it is valuable/important; leave it at home to prevent lost items. In the event that something does get lost at school:
- Clothing/Accessories found on school grounds will be taken to the Lost and Found rack. It is best to put your child's name on jackets so that they can be returned.
- The Lost and Found is located in the breezeway in front of the main office or in the hallway next to the library.
- Unclaimed items are sent to a charitable organization on a regular basis.
In order for us to best help your student keep track of their things, we encourage you to write their name (first and last) somewhere on the inside (the tag is a great spot for this!) of their coat/jacket/hat/etc.
Meal Plan
Meal Plan
Each student receives a lunch card that they will use at lunchtime in the food line. Additional information, including meal costs, can be found below.
Breakfast is available in the kitchen every morning starting at 8:45 A.M.
Breakfast: $2.25
Reduced Breakfast: Free
Lunch: $3.75
Reduced Lunch: Free
Milk: $.75
Adult Lunch Price: $5.00
Posted at the entrance of most gates on our campus is a sign that reads, “No Dogs or other Animals”. We are asking that all pets stay off our campus both before and after school. Service animals are of course exempt from this. This policy supports the many different needs of our students, staff and family and ensures that all of our students feel safe on campus. Please keep your pets at home when walking students to and from school, or decide on a goodbye/hello location that is at the edge of our property. Thank you for helping to support this.
No Pets or animals are allowed in the office or the classroom, with the exception of service animals.
We promote educational honesty and ethical behavior among students. We discourage plagiarism as documented in the Northshore School District Student Handbook. Matters in question will be taken very seriously.
On our school playground, we expect students to follow our discipline guidelines:
- Students act responsibly by staying in designated areas, getting permission before leaving the playground. Understanding the rules, taking care of and returning recess equipment, and lining up promptly when the bell rings are expected behaviors.
- Students work together by showing good sportsmanship, using kind words, respecting others, taking turns with equipment, and being cooperative and inclusive in their play.
- Students stay safe by following rules for all recess equipment, keeping their hands and feet to themselves, considering others personal space while playing in games and on equipment, and listening to all directions from recess supervisors.
Maywood Hills playfield has no adult supervision before or after school. Students should not be on the playfield without an adult present.
The PTA is a vital part of our children’s school experience. The Maywood Hills PTA partners with teacher and administrators to provide programs and services, supplies, and volunteers for a variety of support areas including;
- Classroom Grants
- Science and art programs
- Books for the library and book room
- After-school enrichment programs
- Science Fair and Art Gallery Night
- Scholarships for field trips
- Communications
- Staff Appreciation
- ...and more!
Joining a monthly meeting is a great way to learn more about PTA. For more information please reach out to our Membership chair by email at membership@maywoodhills
Students are expected to treat restrooms respectfully and maintain clean and sanitary practices.
- Flushing the toilet.
- Washing hands.
- Throwing paper towels in a trash receptacle.
- Promptly return to class.
Restrooms that are single person use are gender neutral. Multi stall restrooms are gender specific.
Per district policy, all students are permitted to use the restroom that aligns with their gender identity.
Maywood students attend a specialist each day. Over the course of the week students have two PE classes, two Music classes, and one library. Check with your classroom teacher for their specific schedule.
Library: In addition to building a lifelong love of reading, Library lessons support reading and research students are doing in the classroom and help them develop technology and digital citizenship skills. Students’ check out 1-6 books at each library session depending on their grade level and how many books they already have checked out. Books are checked out for two weeks. We do not charge fines for overdue books, but lost or damaged books will be charged a replacement fee.
Music: All students receive general music instruction, which includes singing, moving, playing instruments and music appreciation. Throughout the year, students grow in their vocal skills, responding to music through movement, instrument performance, grade appropriate music theory, and much more. Students build skills of performing as part of an ensemble as well as have opportunities to compose, improvise and perform on their own. 1st - 5th grade all have the opportunity to participate in at least one performance experience during the year.
P.E.: Students are taught a variety of activities in the hopes to instill a love of being active that will carry on into adulthood. All fifth graders take a curriculum-based assessment that deals with the health related components of fitness. Students in grades 4 through grade 5 take the Northshore FITT physical fitness test that includes pushups/ curl ups/ running and a flexibility test. All students are encouraged to try their best and to have fun.
Student Dress Code
Student Dress Code
Our goal is to maintain a focused learning environment. Appropriate school dress increases the likelihood of appropriate school behavior. Families may be called to provide alternate clothing if necessary.
- Make sure your child is dressed appropriately for all Pacific Northwest weather. Please remember that students go outside each day. Rain or shine.
- Clothing should not expose areas typically covered by undergarments.
- Any items (clothing, jewelry, headwear or accessories) with words or pictures that promote any activities prohibited by the NSD Student Code of Conduct, or other items that might otherwise disrupt the teaching and learning process are not allowed.
- Shoes need to be appropriate for P.E. and playground activities. Students should not wear flip-flops or high heels for safety reasons.
- Hats and hoods may not be worn indoors, but may be worn outside as long as they are not a distraction. Hats may be worn in the classroom at the teacher’s discretion, and based on their classroom policy.
Volunteering at School
Families are encouraged to participate in school functions and volunteer in our classrooms. Volunteerism is a crucial aspect of our school community. Here are some things to keep in mind regarding volunteering at school:
To become a school volunteer, you must apply with Northshore School District as such, visit Once you have submitted your on-line form you will be notified when your application is approved. Volunteering in the classroom requires a Level 1 approval. Chaperoning in any capacity requires a Level 2 approval.
Contact your child’s teacher to schedule a day and time before visiting the classroom.
Sign in at the front office and obtain a visitor badge before going to the classroom.
Respect teacher spaces and learning environments. The staff room is for staff use only.
For the safety of small children, we ask they not be brought along during volunteering times.
Information or observations about individual children are to be kept confidential.
If you plan to chaperone for a field trip, you must apply for Level 2 when you apply to be a volunteer.